Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Dua For Stronger Imaan (Faith), Jannah and Allah's Blessings

Supplication in English 

” O Allah, I ask You for the FAITH that does not falter and BLESSINGS that never end and I beseech You for the company of Prophet Mohammad [Peace be upon him] in the high ranks of Jannah , Garden of Eternity”

Supplication Transliteration 

Allaahumma innee as’aluka eemaanan laa yartad, wa na’eeman laa yanfad, wa murafaqata nabbiyyina Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallama fee aalaa darajaatil-jannati jannatil khuld.
Hakim, Nissai narrated by Ibne Masood Radi Allahu anhu

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