Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Dua For Piety and To Stay Protected From The Wrongdo


 “Our Lord, do not place us with the wrongdoing people.”
رَبَّنَا لَا تَجْعَلْنَا مَعَ الْقَوْمِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ
Rabbanaa laa taj’alnaa ma’al-qawmidhdhaalimeen
Surah Al-‘A`rāf ,verse 47

This dua can be recited for the following purposes.
  • Protection from being punished along with the sinners
  • Piety and righteousness
  • To save oneself from the fire of Hell

Allah says in the Holy Quran:-
(44. And the dwellers of Paradise will call out to the dwellers of the Fire (saying): “We have indeed found true what our Lord had promised us; have you also found true what your Lord promised (warned)” They shall say: “Yes.” Then a crier will proclaim between them: “The curse of Allah is on the wrongdoers.”) (45. Those who hindered (men) from the path of Allah, and would seek to make it crooked, and they were disbelievers in the Hereafter.)

(46. And between them will be a (barrier) screen and on Al-A`raf will be men, who would recognize all, by their marks. And they will call out to the dwellers of Paradise, “Peace be on you” and at that time they will not yet have entered it (Paradise), but they will hope to enter (it).) (47. And when their eyes will be turned towards the dwellers of the Fire, they will say: “Our Lord! Place us not with the people who are wrongdoers.”)

The People of Al-A`raf

After Allah mentioned that the people of Paradise will address the people of the Fire, He stated that there is a barrier between Paradise and the Fire, which prevents the people of the Fire from reaching Paradise. Ibn Jarir said, “It is the wall that Allah described,

(So a wall will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Inside it will be mercy, and outside it will be torment.) ﴿57:13﴾

(And between them will be a screen) “It is the wall, it is Al-A`raf.”
Mujahid said, “Al-A`raf is a barrier between Paradise and the Fire, a wall that has a gate.” Ibn Jarir said, “Al-A`raf is plural for `Urf, where every elevated piece of land is known as `Urf to the Arabs.” As-Suddi said, “Al-A`raf is so named because its residents recognize (Ya`rifun) the people. Al-A`raf’s residents are those whose good and bad deeds are equal, as Hudhayfah, Ibn `Abbas, Ibn Mas`ud and several of the Salaf and later generations said.”

Ibn Jarir recorded that Hudhayfah was asked about the people of Al-A`raf and he said, “A people whose good and bad deeds are equal. Their evil deeds prevented them from qualifying to enter Paradise, and their good deeds qualified them to avoid the Fire. Therefore, they are stopped there on the wall until Allah judges them.”
Ma`mar said that Al-Hasan recited this Ayah,
(and at that time they will not yet have entered it (Paradise), but they will hope to enter (it).) Then he said, “By Allah! Allah did not put this hope in their hearts, except for an honor that He intends to bestow on them.”

Allah said next,
(And when their eyes will be turned towards the dwellers of the Fire, they will say: “Our Lord! Place us not with the people who are wrongdoers.”)
Ad-Dahhak reported that Ibn `Abbas said, “When the people of Al-A`raf look at the people of the Fire and recognize them, they will supplicate with this dua.

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