Saturday, April 28, 2018

Dua for Success And Protection From Your Enemies, Haters And Evil People

“Our Lord, indeed we fear that he will hasten [punishment] against us or that he will transgress.”
رَبَّنَا إِنَّنَا نَخَافُ أَن يَفْرُطَ عَلَيْنَا أَوْ أَن يَطْغَىٰ
Rabbanaa innanaa nakhaafu an yafruta ‘alaynaa aw an yatghaa
Surah Ta-ha ,verse 45
This is the prayer of Prophet Musa Alaihissalaam.
It can be recited for:-
  • Protection from your enemies
  • Success and triumph
Musa Alaihissalaam had lived among the people of Madyan, avoiding Fir`awn and his chiefs. He worked as a shepherd for his father-in-law until the appointed time for his work ended. Then he met the decree of Allah and His predetermined will, without him having any set appointment. This entire situation was under the control of Allah, Blessed be He, the Most High.

Then, Allah said to Musa Alaihissalaam Alaiihssalaam and his brother,
(43. Go both of you to Fir`awn, verily, he has transgressed.) (44. And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allah).)

(45. Both of them said: “Our Lord! Verily, we fear lest he should hasten to punish us or lest he should transgress.”)
Allah, the Exalted, informs that Musa Alaihissalaam and Harun pleaded to Allah, expressing their grievance to him:

They meant that Fir`awn might seize them unexpectedly with a punishment, or transgress against them by tormenting them, when they actually did not deserve it.

Ad-Dahhak reported from Ibn `Abbas that he said that transgress here means, “To exceed the bounds.”

(He (Allah) said: “Fear not, verily, I am with you both, hearing and seeing.”) meaning; “Do not fear him (Fir`awn), for verily, I am with you and I hear your speech and his speech as well. I see your place and I see his place as well. Nothing is hidden from Me of your affair. Know that his forehead is in My Hand, and he does not speak, breathe, or use any force, except by My leave and after My command. I am with you by My protection, My help and My support.”

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