Monday, April 30, 2018

Dua For The Cure Of Evil Eye

Read this dua to ward off the effects of EVIL EYE.


”In the name of ALLAH. O ALLAH ! Remove its [evil eye] heat and cold and its pain”
Bismillaahi Allaahumma azhab harraha wa bardaha wa wasabaha
Reference: Nassai, Tabrani, narrated by Jabir bin Saeed Radi Allahu anhu
Ibn ‘Abbas reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The influence of an evil eye is a fact; if anything would precede the destiny it would be the influence of an evil eye, and when you are asked to take bath (as a cure) from the influence of an evil eye, you should take bath.[Muslim ]

May Allah save us from jealousy and the harmful effects of evil eye, ameen

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